2023 – 2024 Location and times

For this season, we are playing at the Saint Paul’s church in Leaskdale (SPL), a double court gym.

We play on Mondays from 9AM to 12PM noon starting 2023 September 11 until 2024 June 30. Some days may be cancelled or move per church request. If so, a notice will normally be published via the email you provide to Pickleball Canada.






8 responses to “2023 – 2024 Location and times”

  1. Len Beintema Avatar
    Len Beintema

    Hi, We just moved into Udora and are interested in playing. Can we join your group for some play on Monday morning?

    1. Wayne Louie Avatar

      Yes, sorry, I was away and hadn’t checked messages. We are “full” so only 2 “guest” sessions are allowed, but maybe new room in January. News soon.

  2. Rick Sutherland Avatar
    Rick Sutherland

    Hello, I live in Uxbridge and having interest in joining a Pickleball Club, I was wondering if you are still looking for members.

    1. Wayne Louie Avatar

      Yes, sorry, I was away and hadn’t checked messages. We are “full” so only 2 “guest” sessions are allowed, but maybe new room in January. News soon.

  3. Sue Brooks Avatar
    Sue Brooks

    Hello. My husband and I would like to be placed on the waitlist to join the Uxbridge Pickleball Club. Is this the right spot to do that?

    1. Wayne Louie Avatar

      I will forward your request to the membership person. I think maybe you need to become a Pickleball Canada and Pickleball Ontario member, then ask the system to place you on the waitlist for our club. If you do not have another club to join, there is a “virtual club” for Ontario that lets you become a member of Pickleball Ontario/Canada then join waitlists.

  4. Colin doughty Avatar
    Colin doughty

    Have you considered having times at night? For those who work during the day cessions?

    1. Wayne Louie Avatar

      Thanks for your inquiry. We currently rent space in a church gym, and the only times we can get are Monday and Tuesday mornings. However, there are other clubs in other locations nearby that have an evening event.

      Check out Port Perry (run by the town) they do Monday – Thursday mornings (8-noon, I think) as well as 1 evening (Wednesday I think). There’s also something in Mount Albert, Uxbridge itself, and others (some may be private).

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